A new funerary solution is being developed to serve families who choose cremation: Custody Removable Columbariums. *Protected system: Patent number pending.
Key advantages:privacy, security, freedom, and durability. The system is suitable for both people and pets (a high-growth market).
It can be installed in cemeteries or private properties (providing cost savings for families). Accessible to most of the public: Basic, Family, and Premium Collections.
It is projected as a high-yield business. If you would like to learn more, you can watch the two very short videos below and request our Business Plan for your evaluation.
Thank you for your interest. Sincerely,
Manuel Gómez
Video. Private family funeral example.
Video. Various designs (Family collection)
Business Plan Request it.
This innovative product is suitable and applicable to the pet funerary market. Removable columbariums designed to safeguard the urns of all pets belonging to a family.